Vital pulpal therapy (VPT) is designed to preserve and maintain the vitality of the pulp tissue in a tooth that has been compromised by trauma, caries, or restorative procedure. Preserving the vitality of the dental pulp is a key factor for long-term tooth survival. The review will provide a better understanding of Biodentine’s properties and can aid in the decision-making process for maintaining the vitality of exposed dental pulp with minimal intervention. This paper is aimed at reviewing the current literature on Biodentine as a direct pulp capping material. No limits were imposed on the year of publication, but only articles in English were considered.

Reference mining of the articles that were identified was used to locate other papers and enrich the findings. A thorough literature search of the database was done using PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus using the keywords preventive endodontics, calcium silicate cement, direct pulp capping, Biodentine, and vital pulp therapy. This article discusses its role in direct pulp capping procedures. Biodentine is a relatively new bioactive material explored for vital pulp therapy procedures. However, the treatment of pulp exposure by pulp capping is still a controversial issue with no clear literature available on this topic, leaving the concerned practitioner more confused than satisfied. In the perspective of minimally invasive dentistry and preventive endodontics, a direct pulp capping procedure with a reliable bioactive material may be considered an alternative approach provided that the pulp status is favorable. Root canal treatment has been the treatment of choice for carious pulp exposures.